Here is a list of Django packages that we frequently use in our development at Cowhite and we hope this will help you too. And this list is going to be updated regularly.
Django Allauth: django allauth
is a highly customisable django application that provides authentication, registration, account management and also integrates with almost all social applications. It includes most of the commonly needed account management features like verifying mail, changing passwords automatically linking user accounts with social accounts based on the email ids etc. These features save a lot of development time.
Django OAuth Toolkit: Build and manage OAuth2 enabled services on django. Django OAuth toolkit provides all the major components required to build fully rfc-compliant services. It has client application management, token management and the views all in-built. This package is a life saver.
Django REST framework: DRF is a powerful and flexible toolkit to build web APIs. It includes all of the needed features for REST API development - in-built generic views for all CRUD operations, serializers compatible with xml and json formats, search and filtering capabilities, permission managements, throttling and rate limiting of api calls, web browsable api and a lot more. For most ReST API needs this package is all we need.
Dango haystack: Haystack provides modular search for Django. It features a unified, familiar API that allows you to plug in different search backends (such as Solr, Elasticsearch, Whoosh, Xapian, etc.) without having to modify your code.
Django celery: Integrates celery with django. Celery is a distributed task queue for python. It is highly useful to off-load heavy asynchronous tasks there by reducing the server response time.
Sorl thumbnail: Sorl thumbnail helps generate and manage thumbnails of images, compress them. It provides multiple ways of creating thumbnails with many customization options like cropping and quality. The thumbnails can be generated from templates too.
Summernote: Summernote is a simplistic WYSISWYG editor. It supports integration with angular and django.
Mezzanine: Content management system built using Django framework. It provide simplistic but highly customizable architecture that encourages hacking to build custom functionality.
Facebook-sdk: SDK written for Python to work with facebook's graph API
Gunicorn: A WSGI server written in C and Python for deploying Python applications. It is most popularly used server for python and django application deployment.
Boto3: AWS development kit for python. Boto provides tools to use AWS with python.
Fabric: Provides tools to remotely execute shell commands and streamline them in SSH as if they are part of python. It facilitates to easily work with virtual environments and move through work directories. Basically it brings all the good qualities of python to shell. It is widely used for deployment to server with remote executions.
We develop web applications to our customers using python/django/angular.
Contact us at hello@cowhite.com