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Django comes packaged with a URL dispatcher which let's you design cool elegant URL scheme. It let's you design URLs the way you want with no limitations as such. Also there is no URL extentions such as .php, .html or .cgi, which means a much more beautiful URL.
Before we start with models let's understand how to setup database to work with Django. Django comes pre bundled and ready to work with SQLite database, which for development and for very small lightweight websites would be enough to wor with, but if the scale of the website or the user-base of the website is even moderately high, SQLite is definitely not enough.
Django is a Python framework that make developing database driven website that can be set up in mere hours for most simple websites. The elegance of Django is that the actual coding we have to do is very less and many a boilerplate coding that every developer codes in every app is already implemented. However everything is still kept customizable and tweak-able. There is also the obvious advantage of being able to use the enormous list of Python library modules.
We develop web applications to our customers using python/django/angular.
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