Building single page applications easily with cowhite.js


In this tutorial, I will explain you how to build single page applications easily using cowhite.js.


Opensource code at github -

Documentation at

Download link of cowhite.js - (Dont embed this link in website, instead download and use)

What is Cowhite.js ?

Cowhite.js is a small jquery library that we developed to make our work easier. We have built the following features in Cowhite.js:

1. Build single page applications(spa)
2. Submit forms  
3. Button actions

1. Build single page applications(spa):

Lets say we are building a single page application where we have the urls which when opened, load the main content without re-loading staticfiles etc. Let these pages be page1, page2 and page3. Then the urls will be of the format:

To make this work, we need to add below html:

<div id='page1-section' class='each-section hide' >
    <p>Page 1 content here</p>
<div id='page2-section' class='each-section hide' >
    <p>Page 2 content here</p>
<div id='page3-section' class='each-section hide' >
    <p>Page 3 content here</p>

Then, if you open the url, then the content inside page1-section will be visible.

2. Load and insert data automatically from remote url:

In the previous example, we are simply switching between pages/sections and then the static content present inside each page/section is displayed. Here, we will show how to load data from remote url automatically, that is, without writing code for loading content.

<div id='page1-section' class='each-section hide'  data-url="">
<div id='page1-content'></div>

Whenever a page/section is loaded, it will look for data attribute "url", that is, data-url. And then will make an ajax call to that url and inserts the result into the html element with id "page1-content". Here page1 is the page name/hash name with section id as "page1-section". This is useful when you simply want to load some remote html when loading a page.

3. Load data from remote url automatically but render that content to the dom manually:

This is useful when the response is JSON/XML but not html. You need to write a callback and then add the data attribute data-callback to the section like below:

    <div id='page1-section' class='each-section hide'  data-callback="loadPage1Callback" data-url="">
        <div id='page1-content'></div>

Code for callback in javascript:

function loadPage1Callback(res){
  var html = "", $page1ItemHtml = $("#page1-template"), page1ItemHtml;
  for(var i=0; i<res.results.length; i++){
    page1ItemHtml = $page1ItemHtml.html().replace(/ITEM_ID/g, res.results[i].id).replace(
      /ITEM/g, res.results[i].name);
    html += page1ItemHtml;
    html += "<div>No items yet.</div>"

4. Load content/data manually:

There may be situation when you want to do things on your own when a particular page is loaded. Then we can use the events fired when a page is loaded.

If the page with hash "page1" is loaded, then the event fired is "page1-opened".

We can write html like this:

     <div id='page1-section' class='each-section hide' >
         <div id='page1-content'></div>

Write code in javascript that catches the event "page1-opened" that cowhite.js fired

$(document).on("page1-opened", function(){
    // write code here    
   // For example, you can make ajax call to some url and insert that response to the dom(any element as you wish)

You can look more of the documentation at


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