To create a course, we need to follow the below steps.
Sign in to Studio: Once we sign into studio, we see a green button in the top right as shown below.
We need to click on that button, then we see below screen.
Once we fill all the details in the above screen and click on create button, we will get redirected to the below Course outline page.
As shown in above screen, Course outline page is like a container to the course where it contains one or more sections and each section contains one or subsections and each subsection contains course units and these course units contains components and this is our job to develop this course outline.
Now our next steps can be
In order to give access to your team members to access to Studio, the instructor dashboard in the LMS, and Insights, you need to assign one of the below course team roles to them. - Staff - Admin
Below are the prerequisites for adding your team members to Staff and Admin roles.
Below are the steps to add a team member to your course:
Visit the studio, then you see the list of course as shown below.
Then click on the course to which the team members to be added, and then you see the below screen.
In the above screen, you can see settings dropdown in the top navigation, click on that,then you see Course Team, now click on course team, then you see the below screen.
Now in the above screen, you can see a green button "Add a new team member", click on that, then you see the below screen.
Once you add the user, the user can start using the studio. The added user needs to enroll in the course so that he/she can preview the course in LMS.
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